
Monday, March 22, 2010

"Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?" Amos 3:3

Walking with God changes your heart's desires. So the desires my heart will have as a result of a life in constant comunion with God are morelikely to be God's desires for me because my heart is aligned to God's. Then I'll finally be praying God's will for my life and see my prayers answered for me.

It's about changing my heart to want what God wants, not changing God's heart to make Him do what I want. That's why we pray "let YOUR will be done on earth as it is in heaven." It doesn't say, "let MY will be done in heaven as it is on earth."

I want to walk together with God to the point where my heart's desires are a direct fruit of such communion. I need to know what is God's will for my life in all areas.

I dont' want to give my heart to the wrong things and the wrong people, getting my hopes up to later be dissapointed.

I need you Lord to open up my eyes to see what you want me to do. I need to change... I need to get my life in order financially, personally and spiritually. Help me come out of debt, take care of my family in Mexico, give me the strength to do all the stuff... paying bills, cleaning my apartment, doing laundry, cooking, excercising, practicing my drums, work, and school.

Lord please forgive me for all the time that I felt sorry for myself... my heart was broken into a thousand pieces and I didn't think I could pull myself together, I needed your grace and your strength, which you provided all the way. There were moments when anguish took over and almost crushed my spirit. If it hadn't been for the strength you gave me during those nights... I don't know where I would be. Yet I call myself victorious because in You I remained and fruit of that suffering will manifest in my life in due time, of that I have no doubt.

So I pray Lord, in humbleness that all the suffering was part of a preparation to be a loving and patient wife to the man you'll give me, and prepare that man... that he will love you, fear you and be lead by you, and that he will truly and passionately love me for who I am.

Hearts Like Children

15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Mark 10:15 I am amazed at the way this can apply to our lives here on earth... we cannot see the kingdom (Cannot appreciate God's will and His blessings) unless we have hearts like children that are not contaminated by our stubborn ways of thinking.

I recently watched the first episodes of the old series Different Strokes, in which Arnold & Willis had just moved into
Mr. Drummond's house. Arnold was so excited about his new home and having all the new toys and things that he could only have dreamed of, while Willis was angry he couldn't appreciate any of it and he couldn't feel happy. He wanted to go back to where he came from. Ultimately, he didn't trust Mr. Drummond.

I need God's grace to become more like Arnold and to trust God with the trust of a child in every circumstance.

I want to have a pure heart and be able to see things more like God; appreciate the seasons in my life and experience things in the way that He would want me to experience them and learn and grow from all of it so that even in the trials I can still say I am victorious, and my loss becomes my gain as I yield to Him.

I need your grace Lord. I don't know how to live this life sometimes... but thank you because you are God, whose faithfulness is unfailing, and whose mercy renews every morning.

I want to give you my life completely, help me, show me, strengthen me to walk with you in a way that is pleasing to you. And forgive me for all my rebellions and sins.